When designing a project for Scifest@school you need to think ahead! If the project is successful it will go forward for the Scifest@college competition i.e. the Scifest@school project must be eligible for the Scifest@college competition. Click on the image above to view the details for projects entered into Scifest@college.
Teams cannot have more that three students. We advise that you try to work in a team (for the experience and fun), but be wise…. you will be depending on these people to do their fair share of the work! You can, of course, enter a project as an individual if you prefer. Click on the picture above to find a website that may help you to come up with a good idea!
A Powerpoint on the Scientific Method can be viewed by clicking the picture above. Projects making good use of this approach to investifgation are respected in Scifest and Young Scientist Competitions. An excellent video can be viewed at the end of the Powerpoint.
If you just can’t think of an idea you could opt for a past Junior Certificate Coursewrok B title! You would want to do a good project though! Otherwise you won’t be going to Scifest@college! Clink on the picture above to see a list of past Junior Certificate titles.