Science Projects

Click on the links below to access information on each of the Science Projects you may be entering in Heywood Community School.

Young Scientist

The school has had enormous success in the past in this competition. It is open to all students in the school to have a go! Deadline for entry to the competition is the end of September, but realistically to be successful you will have been working on your project idea over the summer months!


All Transition Year students take on a Scifest project of their choice which is judged during our Scifest@college competition on 30th January 2019. The top projects will then go forward to the Scifest@college competition in IT Carlow in April.

Classroom Based Assessment 1

As part of the Junior Cycle Science Course you will be completing an investigation based on one of eight topics. You will be given three weeks to complete it from start to finish with no help from the teacher! The investigation will be assessed by the Science Department and the result will appear on your JCPA!

Classroom Based Assessment 2

For the second Science CBA you will be required to complete a project on somne aspect of Science in Society. This will be completed in Third Year of Junior Cycle.

Young Scientist 2019 Random Photos!