Online Parent Teacher Meetings in Heywood CS


  • Parents will need to get their daughter’s/son’s school email address and password in advance of the Parent-Teacher meeting.
  • Students have already scheduled times for each teacher appointment. These times are written on the PT 1 form.
  • Teachers will send a link to the student’s email 3 minutes before the appointed time.
  • Once received parents can join the meeting and wait for the teacher to arrive. The meeting will last no longer than 6 minutes.
  • Parents can then join the next meeting when the link arrives. Please be patient… some teachers have two classes and therefore close to 50 students.
  • The meetings are strictly confidential so recording, saving or capturing of any audio clips or video images is not permitted.
  • It is advisable that parents check their cameras and microphones in advance of the parent teacher meetings. Both microphone and camera must be turned on during the meeting.
  • Traditionally our P/T meetings have been between the parent /guardian and the teacher only. We are strongly encouraging parents to meet the teacher without their son/daughter being present. We do understand that some parents may need the assistance of their son/daughter to start the meeting.
  • A video on how to access the meetings has been prepared for you below.