Mission Statement
The aim of a Homework Policy is to help students to achieve their potential. This involves partnership between home and school, reflecting the aspirations of our Mission Statement.
Rationale & Goals
Homework is the vital link in the partnership between students’ progress and the expectations of parents and teachers. The pattern of homework, established in First Year, promotes positive practices in students, which will be needed through out their education. Students are encouraged to have a sense of pride in their work.
Teachers in each subject area have drawn up a homework plan for that subject. This plan includes details of the types of assignments, the recommended time per week to be spent on homework in that subject and the targets for each year group.
Homework should consist of relevant, manageable tasks. As a school, we expect quality homework, which is well presented and completed. Homework will be monitored/checked regularly by teacher. If a student fails to complete their homework assignments in any particular subject, a letter will be sent home informing the parents. The student will then be required to complete 4 lunchtime detentions.
A Homework Journal is compulsory for each student. Students are expected to record homework tasks in their journal and teachers will allocate time for this. The journal may also be used as a means of communication between parents and teachers in regard to non-completion of homework. Teachers may request that the parent(s) sign completed homework in student’s exercise copy.
Role of Parents
Parents play an essential partnership role. Parents support students through regular monitoring of homework and by providing suitable conditions for study.
Students expect to receive regular feedback, oral and/or written, on the quality of homework from the teacher. Teachers will use, amongst other techniques, The Assessment for Learning approach. From time to time, individual teachers will conduct an audit in order to establish how much time students are spending at homework in the specific subject.
Success Criteria
Our aim is to improve the quality of homework leading to an overall improvement in grades. Students will thus perform at the highest level of their ability. Ultimately, students at Senior Cycle will take greater responsibility for their own learning. Teachers are encouraged, where appropriate, to include completed project work as an element of end-of-term assessment. This is in line with the inclusion of project work as an integral part of the final assessment in some Leaving Certificate subjects.
Evaluation & Review